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2018 was a year of disruption!


As we welcome 2019 and get ready for the unknown, we thought we would take a moment to reflect on the year that was and to share with you how disruptive we at Papillon MDC have been by trying new things and sticking it out even when we were criticized for being bold and daring!

  • We have worked with hundreds of leaders, guiding them in their journey to transform.  In 2018, we said “No” to more than 25 leaders. They were looking for a ‘quick fix’. It doesn’t happen in leadership. Don’t be fooled! 
  • We secured in place, and led over 25 Leadership programs that focused on long-term commitments and ongoing personal efforts, and we refused to engage with any corporate client who was looking for one-time, “feel good” workshops. The research is clear: Leadership does not develop in one event. Leadership is a process, and learning about leadership must be experienced as a process. This requires time, time, and more time. We walked away from 7 requests for this ‘feel good’ type work. 
  • We contributed to causes that don’t drive huge audiences because we felt they mattered, and we didn’t mind if our contributions would only see impact in years to come. Nothing that is meant to last is built in one day. Learn more about our School Project in Sô-Ava, Benin, Africa, and take time to learn about the incredible work Camp Erin does for bereaved children. Papillon MDC is also now on the Quebec arm of the Arthritis Society’s Advisory Committee. 
  • We started a Guest Client Blog because we believe the client’s voice matters as much as that of a Subject Matter Expert (SME) when it comes to deciphering personal meaning about being a leader. Individuals own their leadership, not the SME. We invited leaders of all ages and levels to blog because leadership knows no barriers of age and status. 
  • We decided to share our Proprietary Leadership Programs with our clients through our licensing options. Why? We realize that people learn best when they learn from their colleagues. Although Consultants matter, they leave a lasting impression when they are confident enough to work themselves out of a job. This then left us with plenty of time to create more interesting projects and services. Remember, no one can steal the golden goose that lays the golden eggs. There is only one of you, and your ideas are meant to be shared and not kept. Moreover, we live in an economy of ideas. Being fearful of your ideas being taken without permission only fuels fear and anxiety. We decided as a company we would worry less and give more. 
  • We challenged common beliefs around Knowledge Transfer by vehemently arguing with top executives that they are jeopardizing corporate sustainability by not implementing a process that captures their corporate knowledge. No one listened, unfortunately. Nonetheless, we are ready. 
  • We made our Inspirational Quotes available for all to purchase as stickers to share among their friends, colleagues, and family. The aim is to raise awareness of our support of the Sô-Ava School Project. 
  • We pushed disruptive ideas of Einstein’s time and space, and the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as part of keynote addresses across different venues and for different audiences without compromise. As a company, we felt that the fear to stay here is greater than the fear to go toward the unknown. So up and onward we shall go! 
  • We decided to plow ahead with our cartoon-like facilitators in all of our e-Learning programs even when a handful of Executive Leaders told us to abandon our style of teaching in favor of a more conservative approach. We politely disagreed. Why can’t learning ALSO be fun?

And in 2019, the journey continues. Indeed, the path Papillon MDC has undertaken has curves and bends yet to experience, but we forge on, confident in our values, guided by integrity, and ready to disrupt some more!

What has your business done differently that places it out of the red ocean and plunges it into the blue?

In closing, we would like to recognize all of our incredible corporate clients here and overseas who entrusted us with their vision of the leaders they desired to be, shared their business wins and losses, and stayed the course even when times were challenging. You make us who we are. Without you there is no us. You matter, and you are at the core of why we do the work we do.

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