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As MEECO 2018 Wraps Up…


Dr. De Civita_MEECO
Dr. De Civita keynote speaker at 2018 MEECO

This was my first time attending the MEECO Conference and I was inspired and compelled to share my thoughts on my amazing experience in Estes park Colorado. So before I boarded my plane on my way home late last night, I decided to write on a piece of paper my main takeaways that have left a lasting imprint on me and what they mean for our companies, both Papillon MDC and Grand Heron International. For those who don’t know, every year, the MEECO Conference brings together organizational stakeholders and master-level executive coaches all dedicated to shaping the future. It’s a meeting of the minds so to speak. And the minds I met while there were brilliant to say the least. With every encounter, I emerged inspired and motivated to hold firm to my corporate vision and to keep forging ahead. Leaders at this conference were among the best enterprise-wide executive coaching business partners in the world and the conference speakers were inspiring, impactful, and memorable. Dr. Frank Wagner set the stage with his request that we all consider what each speaker brings to us as the leaders we are. I heeded his advice and in summary, I walked away with the following:

  1. Breakthrough knowledge on how technology will revolutionize the executive coaching business, and how it is already available to help our clients achieve their desired goals. Can’t wait to share with our executive coaching clients!
  2. Support for the continued work both Papillon MDC Inc. and Grand Heron International are doing in pushing the conversation about leadership development beyond traditional approaches.  We will double our efforts in scaling our programs and investment in E-Learning programs to ensure our clients can afford to develop ALL of their employees, and not just upper management. We have known since 2010 that the most effective and inspiring companies are those that do not discriminate in budgeting their leadership development investments. However, over the years, we have had to come to terms that corporate financial prospects often dictate who gets development and who doesn’t. Therefore, we launched our e-learning programs and began offering our clients the opportunity to train in our leadership programs and to purchase a license to run our programs over and over again. We will commit to helping all clients who want to scale and get there faster than they would on their own.
  3. Inspiration to talk about sustainability with our clients and to show them the way forward. Sustainability has become another ‘buzz’ word in business. For those leaders who take this serious, it has to do with ensuring that all investments that go into developing leaders have a return on investment that goes beyond succession planning. We are talking about creating communities of practice where leaders regardless of position and authority are modeling the kind of leadership that gets results today and tomorrow. We are also talking about looking beyond your current company walls and to see how your business efforts can impact communities positively. It is all about creating a business where leadership practices sustain your corporate brand and reputation long-term, and where “this leadership” impacts communities beyond. Although both of my companies do not manufacture goods that would be able to leverage the local talent and resources in the most sustainable way, we are involved in helping other organizations committed to sustaining communities in countries where living comes with incredible challenges. We get involved by sharing our profits generously and by giving of our professional expertise. We will aim to be that voice for our clients.
  4. Renewed perspective on why our work matters. As the president of both companies, I can say with clarity and certitude that our purpose is clear. Our employees and associates know what matters and why it matters when it comes to impacting the lives of people who give us permission to walk with them as they embark on their personal transformational journey. And while at the conference, being surrounded by a group of executive coaches and business leaders who care about their employees, associates, clients, the organizations they serve, as well as the larger community was deeply moving and incredibly uplifting. Every speaker, one by one shared their personal story to anchor what they do, why what they do matters to them, and how do they do the work that matters.
  5. A full heart and open mind to embrace the unpredictability, uncertainty, and volatility of our world. I personally commit to my practice of mindfulness to keep me grounded, and to keep top of mind the leader I want to be for my employees, associates, clients, and the larger community. And, yes, of course for my family as well. They too serve as my anchor, and remind me every day to be the leader I desire to be.


I want to thank the MEECO committee for inviting me to be a Keynote Speaker on Day 1 of the conference. The intensity and warmth of the room was palpable. It was a humbling experience to share my thinking on diversifying our executive coaching business through the lens of SpaceTime. It was also the first audience to hear about my new conceptual representation of Coaching As PurposeTM. I want to thank them for giving me the space to share openly, for being generous with their questions, and more importantly for being incredibly accepting of my misses. I certainly hope to have met their needs! If you are reading this, and you are a leader who wants to make a difference through your executive coaching business as well as through improving the practice of executive coaching, you cannot miss next year’s MEECO Leadership Development Conference! Please visit MEECO to learn more.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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