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Crossroads International and Green Beaver: More than a year later

Image from left to right: Mirella De Civita, Papillon MDC’s CEO, Astou Niang, Program Officer with Crossroads, Alain Ménard, Green Beaver’s Co-founder and CEO, and Christine Campbell, Interim Executive Director with Crossroads. In February 2016, Papillon MDC Inc. embarked on a journey with Crossroads International to design a mentor-mentee training program to optimize women entrepreneurship in the production and distribution of their soap-making business in Senegal. This partnership also included Green Beaver, a leader in natural household cleaning and personal care products whose role was to work with the women on product development and marketing. The initiative was facilitated and made possible by Umalia Inc. through a shared value partnership model aimed at creating business and societal impact. To say you will do something is one thing, to act is another. Rest assured that we have been working for over a year, leveraging innovation and partnership and creating a unique mentor-mentee program to fit the needs of the Senegal women entrepreneurs. And hard work pays off! We are proud to announce that we are at the point of launching our program in Senegal! Our friend Margaux Roncière, young 16-year old leader sponsored by Papillon MDC Inc.  will join a colleague from Umalia in the delivery of our program. Margaux’s contribution to the program was the development of a narrative story to help bring our concepts for the mentees alive. This is only the beginning. Great transformations are ahead of us, for the women in Senegal as they grow their business, for Papillon MDC Inc., as we continue to use our knowledge to bring on change in the world and for everyone involved who will experience the profound impact of taking on the role of agents of change. To all who have helped make this happen, thank you and let’s keep forging ahead together as we still have ways to go! Papillon MDC leads people and organizations to transform from the outside-in by helping them improve relationships with self, others, and the greater social environment. We are committed to empowering transformations that hold benefits for the society at large. To learn more about this partnership, all the incredible players and Papillon MDC Inc.’s other social initiatives, please click here.   

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