Plus de 3 500 dirigeants nous ont confié leur parcours de leadership.

Depuis 2010, nous avons suivi le parcours de leadership de plus de 3 500 leaders et au delà de 150 entreprises.

Découvrez ce que nos clients ont à dire sur nous.

D.S-L., Project Engineer, Aerospace Industry

The program was excellent! Smart, pertinent, and well-prepared material. Mirella clearly masters the subject matter. She adapts to the group, answers though questionnaire with satisfactory answers.

Excellent concepts. Well-described program. Good balance of theory and practice. Mirella has an amazing way with words. She makes it sound so easy! A pleasure listening and practicing with her for 2 day!

N.B., Spécialiste Ressources humaines, Aviation

Contenu très clair. Approche très efficace. Le ‘role play’ aide énormément à l’apprentissage. La formatrice était très intéressante, elle donnait des exemples concrets et sa façon d’expliquer la matière était claire et efficace. Je recommande le programme à tous. Concept très bénéfique et formatrice exceptionnelle!

E.B., HR Director, Aerospace Industry

Great balance between theory and practice. Working on real case scenarios was very helpful. The cards are also good tools to keep handy. I very much enjoyed this program.

K.M., HR Coordinator, Aerospace Industry

This program is wonderful in terms of learning coaching techniques but as well in learning about ourselves! Mirella was very patient and engaging. Everything was great, really! This is absolutely a training I would recommend to anyone!

S.M., VP Rewards Operations, Loyalty

Excellent program! Very insightful and thought provoking! I wish it had been offered to me years ago! Would have like more opportunities to see Mirella coach a coachee.

A.B., Ressources humaines, Aviation

Contenu bien présenté, clair et efficace. Facilitateur connaît son contenu et donne des exemples appropriés. Elle sait garder l’attention de son auditoire. Excellent cours!

A.M., VP Financial Services, Loyalty

The program was excellent. The live exercises are the most effective. Small groups allow for confidence building. I also appreciated the “confidential” nature of how conversations tool place over the 2 days.

J.B., Webmaster Human Resources department, Aerospace Industry

A perfect course! I started the course at a beginner level. After the course, I feel more confident in my coaching abilities. I learned great techniques and concepts. I think that all managers, or anyone in a project coordinator role, would benefit from these teachings. Life Changing (as OPRAH would say)!

S.C., VP Rewards, Loyalty

This was an excellent program. Very engaging. I liked the role playing and making it very real and appropriate. This is the 3rd time I have been engaged with Mirella, and have found her to be an amazing person to bring out the qualities (good ones) in people and make great progression moving people forward. Great progression of events. I would like to have more role playing, and although it is difficult to do, I think to be very productive this could have easily have been a one week session to get the most out of it.

M.L., Infirmière, Aviation

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