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Helping to Build a School in Sô-Ava, Benin

In 2013, Papillon MDC Inc. proudly contributed to a humanitarian project in Benin, Africa, supporting a group of young leaders aged 14 to 16 years old on their mission to build a community library in Sô-Ava, a 100,000-people lakeside village near Cotonou. Click here for more details: Young Leaders Make a Difference

The project did not end with the library, it was only the beginning! In 2016, a leisure center for children in the community was also built and over the past 2 years, our friends at Umalia, with a dedicated group of people from Québec and Bénin, have been working towards increasing access to education and literacy rates while developing the community. With this objective in mind, a school will be built for the community’s children and their parents.

At Papillon MDC, we are committed to supporting the growing and ever-engaged community of Sô-Ava and have decided to once again contribute financially to the building of the school. In addition to our corporate financial contribution, 50% of all sales from our E-Learning Series will go directly toward this project! You can be part of this growth by registering for an E-Learning Leadership Program here

What better way to learn, grow, and contribute all at once. Join our efforts in making this community realize the dream for its people.

For more information visit the School’s website


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