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Navigational Conversations™

Papillon MDC Inc., is very proud to be the only consulting firm in Quebec to carry the license to facilitate this program. Coaching is about supporting others to be more effective in getting from place to place. The word place, of course, represents many things beyond physical location; place can refer to level of productivity, earnings, quality of relationships, leadership effectiveness, job status, sense of fulfillment and more. Coaching is a method to help others navigate – not by steering or charting a course for them, but by supporting them to navigate for themselves.


Learning to be a great navigational coach involves thinking differently, learning new skills, listening to intuition, exercising restraint, developing wisdom and being willing to practice. This two-day program is interactive and helps participants experience true coaching conversations. They will have ample opportunity to put into practice their learning, and explore how a coach addresses the five major challenges experienced by individuals.

  • Day One focuses on foundational principles and fundamental coaching skills
    • Explore the difference between the problem-solving mindset and the coaching mindset
    • Understand when and where to apply a coaching approach
    • Practice key principles and skills, and receive in the moment feedback
  • Day Two explores more advanced skills and more challenging coaching situations
    • Learn how to give positive and corrective feedback using a coaching approach
    • Learn how to deal with more challenging situations
    • Learn a tested and proved approach through repeated exposure and exercises

Come and be part of the 508 leaders worldwide who have learned the methodology and are having impact in their organizations!


Target audience: Senior executives, newly promoted team leaders, and HR professionals.

Goal: Better able to have coaching conversations that inspire confidence, accountability to solutions, and ownership of outcomes.

Benefits: Become more apt at coaching employees to develop their own solution to solving problems, which lead to increased quality of relationships, leader effectiveness, and productivity. HR Professionals as well as those in a Professional Role will acquire the practical knowledge of how to help their clients navigate through their challenges and reach their desired outcome. This involves being able to initiate conversations about sensitive issues, carrying them through with confidence and integrity.

Value added: Enhance and consolidate the learning through both pre-work and post-course assignment.

Location & Time of Event: 2001, Robert-Bourassa, suite 1700, Montreal; 9h30 to 16h30

Number of Participants: Maximum of 8 participants

Included: Light breakfast, delicious lunch, and healthy snacks during breaks. All materials included.

Training available in French & English; please refer back to the registration site for specific dates.

Leaders interested in implementing this program in their organizations are encouraged to contact us using the form below. 

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