Papillon MDC Inc. believes in the power of giving of ourselves, and asking for nothing in return. We are incredibly excited about our partnership with Green Beaver and Crossroads International, who is spearheading this project. This initiative aims to increase the productive capacity and ultimately incomes for a women run soap making business in Senegal. Crossroads’ local partner Union Nationale des Femmes Coopératrices du Sénégal (UNFCS) is at the core of a network of 15,000 women cooperators who produce a range of soaps in ten regional unions across Senegal. Through these cooperatives women get a foothold in the local economy and it puts them on the road to economic independence. Papillon MDC Inc. has designed a tailor-made mentor-mentee training program for young women that addresses their unique context and challenges. The program was delivered directly to the women entrepreneurs in Senegal in July 2017. A second phase to this project was announced at the end of 2017, further proving that when we live by our purpose, transformation knows no boundaries. Papillon MDC’s mentor/mentee program will be implemented in nine other regional unions with the support of the Programme Québécois de Développement International (PQDI) from the Ministère Québécois des Relations International et de la Francophonie. We are excited to embark on this next leg of the journey! For more information about our work with Crossroads International, please click here.
Thioro Fall, coordinator of Union nationale des femmes coopératrices du Sénégal, and Louise Ndiaye, president of the regional union in Diourbel, were warmly welcomed in Canada by two of Crossroads’ Canadian partners, The Green Beaver Company and Papillon MDC Inc. Both partners are supporting the work of UNFCS and the female members of their soap making cooperative.Thioro and Louise enthusiastically participated in the production of soap and tested the production of liquid soap in Green Beaver’s laboratory. Their meeting with Papillon MDC Inc. included a lively discussion on the development of a leadership training program for young women in Senegal. We’re looking forward to seeing the outcomes of this innovative private sector partnership!
You can also read more about the three involved companies in Umalia‘s newsletter Stimulus.