Read time: 5min

Radical Generosity – Business, Reimagined


Bhaskar Goswami speaks to us about practicing generosity and what it means for the future of business…

Radical Generosity

Click here to view the vlog.

About Bhaskar Goswami


Eastern, Western, ancient, modern, scientific, soulful

From early childhood adventures in Assam, India to living through war in Kuwait, starting anew as a refugee in England, working for Dick Cheney in Texas, life lessons on mountains of Nepal and changing course from senior engineer to award winning ‘yogipreneur’ in Montreal. Near death experiences, profound and absurd, mystics and mistakes, intrigues and insights and the shift from ambition to meaning; it has been a life less ordinary.

In his younger days, Bhaskar had the privilege of being guided by two master yoga teachers. They opened his eyes to a way of being that he was not aware of. After 20 years as a speaker, teacher and yogipreneur, what he loves most about his work is witnessing that ‘aha!’ moment in peoples’ eyes. That same experiential self-discovery or remembering that he himself had experienced. Everything he does is for this moment, so others may benefit, as he has, from this essential practice of skillful living.

I collect ‘cool’ people. That’s my hobby. I go around looking for people that inspire me in some way, and keep them close. This brings tremendous joy, inspiration and learning to my life.

Learn more about  Bhaskar Goswami

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