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Teaching: Leading the Learning Boat to Shore

I am an Associate Professor of Health Psychology at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick. Teaching is part of my job, in addition to research, service, and administrative tasks for a virtual teaching-patient navigation centre for children with complex care needs that Dr. Shelley Doucet, from UNB Saint John, and myself co-founded. I teach […]

The Courage to Redesign Your Leadership Presence


Whenever I pack for a family vacation, I take with me a few books. Usually, there is a poetry book, a psychology-based textbook, and a book on a topic I know nothing about. Most recently, I decided to dive into the fields of affective neuroscience and biology. I’ve always fancied the thought of being a […]

Want to know a secret? If you want to be a leader, it’s up to you!

Leaders aren’t born Becoming a leader is not an overnight accomplishment; some believe that it is inherited through their family genes, some think it is appointed to certain people in the company who may or may not be deserving of it, all the while wondering why they are not being seen as a leader themselves…The […]

Staying Strong as a Transformational Leader: What Does it Take?

Growth - transformational Leadership

In our world today, leaders often find themselves faced with the most daunting challenges: From the need to make decisions faster or lose an opportunity to turn a profit without compromising quality. Gone are the days where “steady as she goes” was an option. Today, the next best thing comes to the leader who connects […]

Does Transformational Leadership Work for Everyone and Every Time?

transformational leadership - stand tall

NATURE VS. NATURE How do people become Transformational Leaders (TLs)? Do they possess innate characteristics that make them more prone to lead in a transformational way rather than transactional? The narrative stories we read focus on what leaders were able to accomplish at the helm of their organizations or institutions through the eyes of their […]

So what’s the “thing” about Transformational Leadership?

Transformational Leadership

THE MAKING OF A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER We know that leaders in the upper echelons of a corporation or an institution influence the strategic direction as well as the effectiveness of operations. They do so directly through their personal characteristics (e.g., personality traits, preferences, and values) as well as by their actions or behavioral habits. Researchers […]

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