A-HA! The fear of leadership: Why I wasn’t ready to “take on me” as a leader

  Creativity may have always come easily to me, but I’ve also always known that it couldn’t be left to chance. It’s a skill that must continually be developed and refined despite the effort, pain, and struggle that comes along with exploring the edges of one’s creativity.  Fortunately, my multifaceted career provided me with a […]

What are you watering in yourself and in others?

watering flowers

A path to a better place in our minds doesn’t come to those who wait, but to those who practice. Practice what you ask? Practice the art of watering. Just imagine watering flowers. The empirical steps include: (1) verify if the soil is wet; (2) fetch water using a container of your choice; (3) water in […]

Want to know a secret? If you want to be a leader, it’s up to you!

Leaders aren’t born Becoming a leader is not an overnight accomplishment; some believe that it is inherited through their family genes, some think it is appointed to certain people in the company who may or may not be deserving of it, all the while wondering why they are not being seen as a leader themselves…The […]

E-learning: The ability to go beyond your skills at your fingertips

E-Learning_tip of fingers

  “No one learns as much about a subject as one who is forced to teach it” -Peter Drucker Although the word “forced” may suggest negative connotations, it does not necessarily mean that one is forced by an external agent. Athletes often “force” themselves beyond their comfort zone to improve their capacities: time, muscles, reflexes, […]

The Building Blocks of Leadership in a Purpose-Driven Business

I have been in the apparel industry for several years, absorbing as much information as possible along the way and continuously learning to this very day. My leadership has also transformed and evolved due to this. Today, I lead an apparel business founded on purpose, with a clear mission and vision that reflect my own […]

The day I decided to stop being a conforming chameleon

conforming chameleon

Our keen ability to blend in may have become such an instinctive ritual for so many of us, that I’ll use it as the excuse for having spent the beginning of my own career as a “conforming chameleon.” As the eager-to-please (and younger) version of myself, I chose to adapt to organizations without purpose-driven missions […]

The Practice of Leadership

The practice of leadership

A few years ago, I tried out my first yoga class. I was struck with the term “practice” that was used to define this activity. In yoga, this term is used to suggest that you are committing to improve and get better. My yoga instructor or yogini, explained that it’s not about trying to master […]

Rester un leader transformationnel solide : qu’est-ce que ça prend?

Aujourd’hui, les dirigeants se retrouvent souvent confrontés à des défis difficiles: ils doivent prendre des décisions très rapidement s’ils ne veulent pas perdre une opportunité de réaliser des profits sans compromettre la qualité. Les jours où seulement maintenir le cap était une option sont révolus depuis longtemps. De nos jours les meilleures opportunités sont saisies […]

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